"Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments."
How far along? 29wks & 6 days!
Maternity clothes? I tried on a few non-maternity outfits at Anthro last week...haha that was funny and a good way to make a pregnant lady very sad. I thought one shirt actually looked good on me but when I modeled it for DH he commented, "Are you sure that's maternity, it looks pretty tight". Gee thanks hunny!
Stretch marks? No stretch marks and I'm applying Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion in the morning and Weleda Pregnancy Body Oil at night.
Sleep? I'm only comfortable sleeping on my left side, which isn't very comfortable to do the entire night. This baby is on a schedule already - he wakes me up most nights at midnight, 3am and 6am. Have I mentioned that I miss sleep?
Best moment this week? Our baby shower was last Saturday and it was fabulous - my parents did such a great job with everything and we got lots of great stuff!
Movement? Some days he punches me so hard that I feel like he's going to break out of my stomach.
Food cravings? Give me meat!
Gender? It's a Boy!!
Labor signs? Nope.
What I miss? SLEEP!!
What I'm looking forward to? Finishing up our never ending nursery and passing my glucose test today!!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm not feeling very wise this week.
Milestones: OMG only 10 weeks left after tomorrow!!
Emotions: Boy has this week been STRESSFUL. I'm launching a new website/blog and there has been major drama with the designer so I'm now starting from scratch with a new designer.
29 weeks & 6 days pregnant
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